Saturday, June 10, 2017

Watch Big Eyes (2014) Movie Online

Big Eyes (2014)
Big Eyes
Story line Big Eyes (2014) :
A drama centered on the awakening of the painter Margaret Keane, her phenomenal success in the 1950s, and the subsequent legal difficulties she had with her husband, who claimed credit for her works in the 1960s.

She created it. He sold it. And they bought it.

Big Eyes

Movie details Big Eyes

Runtime : 105
Release : 2014-12-24
Genre : Drama


Amy AdamsAmy AdamsasMargaret Keane
Christoph WaltzChristoph WaltzasWalter Keane
Krysten RitterKrysten RitterasDeeAnn
Danny HustonDanny HustonasDick Nolan
Jason SchwartzmanJason SchwartzmanasRuben
Terence StampTerence StampasJohn Canaday
Jon PolitoJon PolitoasEnrico Banducci
Farryn VanHumbeckFarryn VanHumbeckasLily
Emily FondaEmily FondaasSexy Girl
Delaney RayeDelaney RayeasYoung Jane
Madeleine ArthurMadeleine ArthurasOlder Jane
James SaitoJames SaitoasJudge
Guido FurlaniGuido FurlaniasDino Olivetti
Elisabetta FantoneElisabetta FantoneasOlivetti Girl
Darren DolynskiDarren DolynskiasSnobby Artist #1
David MilchardDavid MilchardasSnobby Artist #2
Emily MaddisonEmily Maddisonas2nd Olivetti Girl
Brent ChapmanBrent ChapmanasFactory Boss
Jill MorrisonJill MorrisonasGallery Patron
Leela SavastaLeela SavastaasHippie Chick
Stephanie BennettStephanie BennettasCoed #1
Andrea BuckoAndrea BuckoasCoed #2
Aaron CravenAaron CravenasEarly Buyer
Michael KopsaMichael KopsaasNY Society Man
Britt IrvinBritt IrvinasHipster Lady
Matthew Kevin AndersonMatthew Kevin AndersonasHipster Man
Pomaika'i BrownPomaika'i BrownasRadio DJ
Julie JohnsonJulie JohnsonasHungry i Patron
Kari-Ann WoodKari-Ann WoodasFemale Art Gallery Attendee
Deni DeLoryDeni DeLoryasFancy Lady
Heather DoerksenHeather DoerksenasGossipy Woman #1
Eliza NorburyEliza NorburyasGossipy Woman #2
Patricia Mayen-SalazarPatricia Mayen-SalazarasFan #1
Tony AlcantarTony AlcantarasFan #2
Dale WolfeDale WolfeasTV Host
Ryan BeilRyan BeilasNosy Gallery Guy

Available Posters

0-Big Eyes1-Big Eyes2-Big Eyes3-Big Eyes4-Big Eyes5-Big Eyes6-Big Eyes7-Big Eyes8-Big Eyes9-Big Eyes10-Big Eyes11-Big Eyes12-Big Eyes

Movie Trailer Big Eyes:

Some Reviews

Film making could be the windows of the soul...Directed by Tim Burton and written by Scott Alexander & Larry Karaszewski, Big Eyes brings to the screen the story of artist Margaret Keane (Amy Adams), who was producing a number of paintings of waifs with big eyes that captured the art world's imagination. Unfortunately her charlatan husband (Christolph Waltz) manipulated the interest in her work to claim it as his own, leading to Margaret having to front up to the lie and take the case to court.Quite often the beauty of filmic cinema is that it can bring notice to the public about certain topics in history. The story of Margaret Keane is a story well worth telling, it may not be all encompassing as a biography since it is just about the key part of her life, but getting the story out there is to be applauded. I myself knew nothing about the Keane case, but I'm glad I do now, this film adaptation forcing me to seek out further reading on the subject.It actually doesn't matter if you have a bent for art on canvas (me, but I do find those paintings beautifully beguiling), this is more about the human spirit, the crushing of such and the birth of. However, sadly to a degree the film often seems at odds with itself via tonal flows. There's whimsy where there shouldn't be, the drama should be front and centre, whilst Waltz's performance is awfully cartoonish, way too animated, and these problems are laid firmly at Burton's door, an odd choice of director for the material, it's like they felt the off kilter look of the paintings marked Burton as a shoe-in to direct.Conversely he gets a sparkling turn out of Adams, she plays Margaret as being so vulnerable but radiant, yet she's perfectly infuriating as well, tugging our heart strings whilst troubling our anger senses. It's the strength of Adams' turn that steers Big Eyes away from choppy waters, for even as the court case that makes up the finale is given too little time to breath and make the ultimate mark, Adams as Margaret holds her own court and seals the deal for a big uplift - which in turn marks Big Eyes out as a film of great warmth and importance. 7.5/10

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