Sunday, July 9, 2017

Watch Sex Tape (2014) Movie Online

Sex Tape (2014)
Sex Tape
Story line Sex Tape (2014) :
When Jay and Annie first got together, their romantic connection was intense – but ten years and two kids later, the flame of their love needs a spark. To kick things up a notch, they decide – why not? – to make a video of themselves trying out every position in The Joy of Sex in one marathon three-hour session. It seems like a great idea – until they discover that their most private video is no longer private. With their reputations on the line, they know they’re just one click away from being laid bare to the world... but as their race to reclaim their video leads to a night they'll never forget, they'll find that their video will expose even more than they bargained for.

A movie about a movie they don't want you to see.

Sex Tape

Movie details Sex Tape

Runtime : 97
Release : 2014-07-17
Genre : Comedy


Cameron DiazCameron DiazasAnnie
Jason SegelJason SegelasJay
Rob CorddryRob CorddryasRobby
Ellie KemperEllie KemperasTess
Rob LoweRob LoweasHank
Nat FaxonNat FaxonasMax
Nancy LenehanNancy LenehanasLinda
Giselle EisenbergGiselle EisenbergasNell
Harrison HolzerHarrison HolzerasHoward
Sebastian Hedges ThomasSebastian Hedges ThomasasClive
Timothy BrennenTimothy BrennenasWalt
Krisztina KoltaiKrisztina KoltaiasMarta
Randall ParkRandall ParkasEdward
Jack BlackJack BlackasYouPorn Owner
Joe StapletonJoe StapletonasPiper Bros. Executive
James WilcoxJames WilcoxasCharlie Newhouse (Radio DJ)
Jolene BlalockJolene BlalockasCatalina
Melissa PauloMelissa PauloasRosie
Erin BrehmErin BrehmasBeth
Kumail NanjianiKumail NanjianiasPunit
Artemis PebdaniArtemis PebdaniasKia
Melvin BrownasBodyguard
Osmani RodriguezOsmani RodriguezasPrincipal Rodriguez
Samil BattenfeldasHelper
Dave AllenDave AllenasMailman
Celeste OlivaCeleste OlivaasDoctor
Alexis RosascoAlexis RosascoasParent

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