> A fight among the gods, for the Egyptian empire.I like this director, but this is not his best work. I think the Hollywood fed up with Greek stuffs, now they're looking at the ancient Egypt. Where's the next stop? India? This film was not a bad idea. I liked the story, a mission based concept, but I did not like the CGI. Visually, it was okay, though those CGI characters felt like they're from sci-fi. I think they inspired by the ancient Egyptian arts. Other than that, this film is enjoyable.At least I knew about Greek deities, I learnt a few words and names about Egypt mythology through this. Gerard Butler in a negative shade was good and the other actors too decent. I was not interested in this film, but now somewhat I enjoyed it, that mean they should stop it here, no sequel please.I had no issue with the casting, it is a marketing strategy. You can't just put a new foreign face in front of the camera and make money out of it. Cinema itself means fake display. Age, skin, death, everything is fake. So people must learn to accept it similar to when a black, Malaysian or Indonesian man says he's a mooslim, but genetically he's not, just converted to.Well composed stunt sequences, especially bloods with liquid gold, totally got the PG13. Least expected film of the year, but got entertained better. It got the mixed response and mostly negative feedback from the critics, but who knows you might have a good time like I did. So you could try it if you want in your free time, because it is not worth to spend your valuable time.6/10
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