Monday, February 20, 2017

Watch The Hungover Games (2014) Movie Online

The Hungover Games (2014)
The Hungover Games
Story line The Hungover Games (2014) :
It's a movie about Hungover guys that get lost in a death match game: Each year, drunk people are selected to participate in torturous games the morning after a big night out. There's no sunglasses, no water, and no headache medicine. "The Hungover Games," a film that manages to merge the premises of both "The Hunger Games" and "The Hangover" ... and throw in references to "Ted," "Django Unchained," "The Lord of the Rings," "Carrie," "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" and whatever else crossed the writers' fevered brains during the probably very drunken "development process."

The Odds Are So Not In Their Favor

The Hungover Games

Movie details The Hungover Games

Runtime : 86
Release : 2014-02-01
Genre : Comedy


Ross NathanRoss NathanasBradley
Sam PancakeSam PancakeasTracey
Ben BegleyBen BegleyasEd
Herbert RussellHerbert RussellasZach
John LivingstonJohn LivingstonasDoug
Damien BrayDamien BrayasScuba Diver
Tara ReidTara ReidasEffing White
Rita VolkRita VolkasKatnip
Jamie KennedyJamie KennedyasJustmitch / Willy Wanker / Tim Pistol
Chanel GainesChanel GainesasBoo
Hank BaskettasStephen A. Templesmith
Caitlyn JennerasSkip Bayflick
Kayden KrossKayden KrossasChasity
Kellie CockrellKellie CockrellasTechnician

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Movie Trailer The Hungover Games:

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